Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 14312/2015 - 02/12/2015
5 ECTS; 1º Ano, 2º Semestre, 15,0 T + 45,0 TP + 3,50 OT , Cód. 912311.
- Carlos Alexandre Campos Pais Coelho (1)(2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable.
Provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge to the modeling of real problems of Mechanics Physics.
Provide an introduction to the Static equilibrium.
Determine Centroids and Centres of Gravity
Examine structures and machines.
1. Statics of Particles
1.1.Forces in the plane
1.2.Equivalent of a system forces
1.3.Forces in space
2. Rigid Bodies: Equivalent of Forces System
2.1. Internal and external forces
2.2. Equivalent Forces
2.3. Vector product of two vectors
2.4. Moment of a force about a point
2.5. Varignon theorem
2.6. Scalar produt of two vectors
2.7. Scalar triple product
2.8. Moment of a force about an axis
2.9. Moment of a couple
2.10. Equivalent couples
2.11. Reduction of a system of forces to one force and a couple
3. Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies
3.1. 2D equilibrium
3.2. 3D equilibrium
4. Centroids and Centers of Gravity
4.1. 2D bodies
4.2. 3D bodies
5. Structures
5.1. Definition of trusses
5.2. Analysis of trusses by the methods of Knots and of Sections
5.3. Analysis of structures and machines.
Evaluation Methodology
Continuous evaluation:
The final grade is calculated considering the written tests (minimum grade 7,5val each)
Final grade: Written exam
- Coelho, C. (2025). Apontamentos de Mecânica Aplicada I. (Vol. 1). Abrantes: ESTA
- HIBBELER, R. (2000). Engenharia Mecânica - Estática. (Vol. 1). Brasil: Pearson
- Johnston, Jr., E. e P. Beer , F. (2006). Mecânica Vectorial para Engenheiros. (Vol. 1). Portugal: Mcgraw-Hill
- MERIAM, J. (2004). Mecânica - Estática. (Vol. 1). Portugal: LTC
- P. Beer, F. e Johnston, Jr., E. e J. Cornwell, P. e Mazurek, D. (2015). Vector Mechanics For Engineers: Statics. (Vol. 1). Europe: Mcgraw-Hill
Teaching Method
The theoretical concepts will be presented in classroom with the aid of audiovisual media. Worksheets will be resolved in class.
Software used in class
MDSolids and similar.