Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 9398/2015 - 18/08/2015
5 ECTS; 3º Ano, 1º Semestre, 30,0 T + 30,0 PL , Cód. 810625.
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable
Development of skills that allow: study and reinforcement Slabs, Reinforced Concrete Foundations, design, reinforcement detailing; the verification of safety to the limits of use and ultimate states, for reinforced and prestressed concrete structures; mastery of the prestress concept.
Slabs. Foundations Wall beams and short consoles. Support walls. Provisions concerning improved ductility structures. Limit states of use. Reinforced and prestressed concrete.
Evaluation Methodology
Assessment will be by written test.
The written test will have two components, theoretical and practical.
In the practical part consultation will be admitted, in frequency, or during the exams and will have the weight in the written test evaluation of 70%, with a minimum grade of 34% in this part.
The theoretical part will be without consultation, in frequency, or in the exam seasons and will have the weight in written test rating of 30%, with a minimum grade of 34% in this part.
The Classification will be from 0 (Zero) values to 20 (twenty) values and will be approved with a minimum classification of 9.5 (nine point five) values.
- Guerrina, A. Concreto Armado. (Vol. -). -: Hemus Ed. Ltd.
- Leonhardt, F. e Monning, E. Construções de Concreto. (Vol. I, II e III). (pp. -). -: -
- Montoya, P. e Meseguer, A. e Cabré, F. (1987). Hormigón Armado. (Vol. -). (pp. -). -: Gustavo Gili S.A
Teaching Method
Theoretical classes that describe and exemplify the theoretical concepts of the behavior of reinforced concrete structures, and practical classes in which are solved and proposed exercises.
application of the concepts taught.
Software used in class
Not applicable