4 ECTS; 1º Ano, 1º Semestre, 15,0 TP + 15,0 OT , Cód. 346785.
- Rita Ribeiro de Carvalho Ferreira Anastácio (1)(2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not apply
Understand the basis of geographic information in the context of thematic cartography in Archeology and Heritage Management.
Creation of spatial databases, data processing techniques, in order to represent information.
Cartographic production using geographic information technologies.
1.Introduction to geographic information technologies;
2.Data representation models
3.Georeferencing and Coordinate Systems
4.Spatial positioning techniques in the acquisition of geographic information;
5.Geoprocessing and cartographic production
6. Practical applications to Underwater Heritage
Evaluation Methodology
Continuous evaluation:
- Practical work (Report) - 80%
- participation in classes/discussion - 20%
Exam Evaluation:
- Practical work (Report) 100%
- Conolly, J. e Lake, M. (2006). Geographical Information Systems in Archaeology. (Vol. 1). Cambridge : Cambridge Manuals in Archaeology
- Matos, J. (2008). Fundamentos de Informação Geográfica. (Vol. 1). Lisboa: Lidel
- Stanley, A. (1989). Geographic Information Systems: a management perspective. (Vol. 1). Canada: WDL Publications
- Wheatley, D. e Gillings, M. (2002). Spatial Technology and Archaeology: The Archaeological Applications of GIS. (Vol. 1). London: Taylor Francis
Teaching Method
Theoretical-practical classes based on teaching/learning processes that combine the exhibition, demonstration and practical application.
Software used in class