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Chemical Technology

Chemistry and Technology connect you to the world!


The study cycle contributes to improve quality, efficiency, flexibility, safety and competitiveness of the means of production in the field of chemical technology.

It is a professional, specialized training offer that responds to the national and international job market. Throughout the training, a critical and innovative spirit is encouraged, as well as exchanges with foreign educational institutions and contact with the business world, complying with rules of professional ethics.


DGES Registration No.: R/A - Cr 124/2016
DGES Registration Date: 02/09/2016
ECTS: 180
Location: Tomar.

Process No.: PERA/2122/1500184
Accreditation Term: 4 anos
Publication Date: 04/07/2022
A3ES Deliberation


The IPT Chemical Technology Degree offers solid scientific and technological training in the field of chemical processes at laboratory and industrial levels. The main objectives aim to provide:

- acquisition of skills in the field of laboratory and industrial processes and services in the field of Chemical Technology;
- training in the area of production planning, the management of quality systems, the management of effluent treatment systems and the coordination of hygiene and safety plans in companies in the Chemical Technology area;
- soft skills such as critical thinking and autonomy, which allow, in particular, the continuation of studies in the 2nd training cycle - Master in Chemical Technology.

Professional Goals

Graduates of the degree in Chemical Technology acquire skills to perform duties in:

  • chemical, microbiological, environmental and biotechnological laboratory analysis technician;
  • technical direction in the implementation, monitoring and optimization of processes in the chemical industry:
  • pulp and paper, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, paints, agri-food; agglomerates, etc.;
    technical-commercial of chemical products and equipment;
  • production planning, management of integrated Quality, Environment and Safety systems, management of effluent treatment systems and coordination of hygiene and safety plans.

Condições de Acesso

The Chemical Technology course is characterized by 4 basic aspects - strategic area, uniqueness, ease of access and professional nature:

  • It provides training in an officially strategic area for the country (AICEP considers the Chemical and Paper Industry as two of the three pillars for the internationalization of the Portuguese economy).
  • There are no other study cycles similar to the degree (1st cycle) in Chemical Technology in the central region.
  • It has less demanding access conditions than engineering courses.
  • It provides practical training and has the possibility of directly continuing studies in the Master's Degree in Chemical Technology.


Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho n.º 15239/2016 - 19/12/2016

Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
1º Semestre
81423 Computation Applied to TechnologyTecnologia dos Processos Químicos 4.5 José Manuel Quelhas Antunes (1)(2)
81426 General ChemistryQuímica 5.5 Marco Cartaxo (2)
Valentim Nunes (1)(2)
81425 Introduction to Chemical TechnologyTecnologia dos Processos Químicos 4 Dina Mateus (1)(2)
81421 Linear AlgebraMatemática 5 Carlos Perquilhas (1)(2)
81422 Mathematical Analysis IMatemática 6 Luís Merca (1)(2)
81424 PhysicsFisica 5 Eugénio Almeida (1)(2)
2º Semestre
81429 Analysis and Treatment of Experimental DataEstatística 5 Francisco Carvalho (1)(2)
814211 Chemical ThermodynamicsQuímica 5 Valentim Nunes (1)(2)
81428 Fluid MechanicsTecnologia dos Processos Químicos 5 Paula Portugal (1)(2)
814210 Inorganic ChemistryQuímica 5 Marco Cartaxo (2)
Valentim Nunes (1)(2)
81427 MicrobiologyBiologia e Bioquímica 5 Cecília Baptista (1)
Catarina Margarida Duarte Belo Calado Brito (2)
814212 Organic ChemistryQuímica 5 Marco Cartaxo (1)(2)


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
1º Semestre
814213 BiochemistryBiologia e Bioquímica 5 Dina Mateus (1)
David Miguel Martins Sousa (2)
Catarina Margarida Duarte Belo Calado Brito (2)
814216 BioresourcesMateriais 5 Marco Cartaxo (2)
Cecília Baptista (1)(2)
814215 Heat and Mass TransferTecnologia dos Processos Químicos 5 Dina Mateus (1)(2)
814214 Material and Energy BalancesTecnologia dos Processos Químicos 5 Henrique Pinho (1)(2)
814217 Physical ChemistryTecnologia dos Processos Químicos 5 Valentim Nunes (2)
Marco Cartaxo (1)(2)
814218 Solutions ChemistryQuímica 5 Teresa Silveira (1)(2)
2º Semestre
814223 Chemical AnalysisQuímica 5 Teresa Silveira (1)(2)
814222 Chemical ProcessesTecnologia dos Processos Químicos 5 Henrique Pinho (1)(2)
814224 Instrumentation and EquipmentTecnologia dos Processos Químicos 5 Isabel Nogueira (1)(2)
814219 Integrated Management SystemsTecnologia de Proteção do Ambiente 5 Natércia Santos (2)
Hermínio Marques Henrique (1)(2)
814221 ReactorsTecnologia dos Processos Químicos 5 José Manuel Quelhas Antunes (1)(2)
814220 Separation Processes ITecnologia dos Processos Químicos 5 Paula Portugal (1)(2)


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
1º Semestre
814236 BioenergiesTecnologia dos Processos Químicos 5 Marco Cartaxo (1)
814239 BioremediationTecnologia de Proteção do Ambiente 5 Cecília Baptista (1)
814238 Food TechnologyIndustrias Alimentares 5 Paula Portugal (1)(2)
814228 Industrial Processes and EnvironmentTecnologia de Proteção do Ambiente 5 Manuel Rosa (1)(2)
814229 Industrial UtilitiesTecnologia dos Processos Químicos 5.5 Isabel Nogueira (1)(2)
Paula Portugal (2)
814237 Paper Pulp TechnologyMateriais 5
814225 Project Assessment ToolsTecnologia dos Processos Químicos 4 José Manuel Quelhas Antunes (1)(2)
814230 Separation Processes IITecnologia dos Processos Químicos 5.5 Paula Portugal (1)(2)
814226 Simulation in TechnologyTecnologia dos Processos Químicos 5 José Manuel Quelhas Antunes (1)(2)
2º Semestre
814240 BiotecnologyTecnologia dos Processos Químicos 5 Dina Mateus (1)(2)
814234 Effluent TreatmentTecnologia de Proteção do Ambiente 5.5 Dina Mateus (2)
Manuel Rosa (1)(2)
814242 Eletrochemistry and CorrosionQuímica 5
814231 Final ProjectTecnologia dos Processos Químicos 11 Valentim Nunes (1)(2)
814243 Food SafetyIndustrias Alimentares 5
814233 Health and SafetyHigiene e Segurança no Trabalho 3 Isabel Nogueira (1)(2)
814241 Paper TechnologyMateriais 5
814235 Process ControlTecnologia dos Processos Químicos 5.5 José Manuel Quelhas Antunes (1)(2)

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona


In the area of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, this studies cycle has privileged contacts with some companies where study visits and internships have been carried out:


Mendes Gonçalves           

Victor Guedes           

Renova S.A.           


Rações Zêzere           

Destilaria Ferreira Gomes e Filhos         

Tejo Ambiente E.I.M., S.A.           


Course coordinator

Valentim Maria Brunheta Nunes

Valentim Maria Brunheta Nunes

Gabinete: J207
t.: +351 249328162
ext.: 6207
endereço de e-mail

Erasmus coordinator

Marco António Mourão Cartaxo

Marco António Mourão Cartaxo

Gabinete: J216
t.: +351249323160
ext.: 6216
endereço de e-mail

Administrative Support Staff

Susana Filipa dos Santos Ferreira Marques Masague

Susana Filipa dos Santos Ferreira Marques Masague

Gabinete: I215
t.: 249328170
ext.: 01303
endereço de e-mail
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