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Mechanical Engineering

  "The mechanical engineer is the most versatile of all engineers"


Mechanical engineering is one of the most requested Engineering by the labor market. Its extended training gives it great versatility allowing a quick and easy adaptation to different jobs.

Classes take place during the day, however, whenever possible, it is attempted that the majority of classes take place after work to accommodate student-worker students. It should be noted that students can choose to attend the course in full or partial.


DGES Registration No.: R/A-Ef 643/2011
DGES Registration Date: 18/03/2011
ECTS: 180
Location: Abrantes.

Process No.: ACEF/1920/0320647
Accreditation Term: 1 ano
Publication Date: 13/03/2024
A3ES Deliberation


Provide a solid scientific, technological and social learning, supported by a programme and courses that includes contact with real situations and laboratories experiences. This cycle of studies is based on the development of a diverse set of skills and competencies that permits excellent career opportunities and pursue postgraduate studies.

The study program is made up of 6 semesters. The first four semesters are common to all students. The last two semesters include several optional course units that allow the students to select a specific training profile. They can choose advanced training courses in Project and Mechanical Production, Energy and Fluid Technologies as well as such areas as Automation and Control & Robotics (tuition of these two courses depend on the number of students enrolled).

Professional Goals

Career prospects for the graduates from this program include performing middle- or upper management functions in companies engaged in industrial, commercial and service provision activities in such areas as:

  • Metalworking;
  • Transportation;
  • Special installations (lifts, rolling stairs, electropneumatics and hydraulics);
  • Industrial management and maintenance;
  • Project (industrial automation, compressed-air networks, electronics, mechanical construction, moulding, product and equipment development, fluid network, heating/air-conditioning systems, electrical machines);
  • Production planning and organisation;
  • Public works;
  • Technical/commercial activities;
  • Consultancy.

Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 1469/2007

Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
1º Semestre
912306 Applied ChemistryCiência e Tecnologia dos Materiais 4
912301 Linear AlgebraMatemática 5
912302 Mathematical Analysis IMatemática 6
912304 Mechanics and WavesMecânica Estrutural 5
912305 ProgrammingRobótica, Instrumentação e Automação Industrial 5
912303 Technical Drawing IProjecto Mecânico 5
2º Semestre
912311 Applied Mechanics IMecânica Estrutural 5
912310 Electricity and ElectronicsRobótica, Instrumentação e Automação Industrial 5
912308 Materials Science and EngineeringCiência e Tecnologia dos Materiais 5
912307 Mathematical Analysis IIMatemática 6
912312 Numerical and Statistical MethodsMatemática 4
912309 Technical Drawing IIProjecto Mecânico 5


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
1º Semestre
912316 Applied Mechanics IIMecânica Estrutural 5
912317 Materials TechnologyCiência e Tecnologia dos Materiais 5
912313 Mathematical Analysis IIIMatemática 5
912314 Mechanical Behaviour of MaterialsCiência e Tecnologia dos Materiais 4.5
912315 Mechanical Systems DesignProjecto Mecânico 5
912318 ThermodynamicsTecnologias Energéticas e Fluidos 5.5
2º Semestre
912321 Fluid MechanicsTecnologias Energéticas e Fluidos 5
912324 Heat TransferTecnologias Energéticas e Fluidos 5
912319 Hydraulics and PneumaticsRobótica, Instrumentação e Automação Industrial 5
912320 Industrial MaintenanceProjecto Mecânico 5
912323 Industrial OrganisationTecnologias de Produção e Construção 4
912322 Mechanics of Materials IMecânica Estrutural 6


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
1º Semestre
912326 Air Conditioning and RefrigerationEngenharia Mecânica 5.5
912325 Electrical MachinesRobótica, Instrumentação e Automação Industrial 5
912335 Financial ManagementCiências Sociais e Humanas 4.5
912338 Foundry TechnologyEngenharia Mecânica 4.5
912336 Health and SafetyEngenharia Mecânica 4.5
912327 Instrumentation and MeasurementsRobótica, Instrumentação e Automação Industrial 5.5
912330 Materials Joining TechnologyEngenharia Mecânica 5
912361 Mechanical Engineering Design IProjecto Mecânico 5.5
912329 Mechanics of Materials IIEngenharia Mecânica 5.5
912337 QualityEngenharia Mecânica 4.5
912331 Thermal MachinesEngenharia Mecânica 5
2º Semestre
912350 Engineering EthicsCiências Sociais e Humanas 2
912362 Industrial AutomationRobótica, Instrumentação e Automação Industrial 4
912360 Internship in the field of Energy and Fluid TechnologiesTecnologias Energéticas e Fluidos 11
912355 Internship in the field of Materials Science and TechnologyCiência e Tecnologia dos Materiais 11
912357 Internship in the field of Mechanical ProjectProjecto Mecânico 11
912359 Internship in the field of Production and Construction TechnologiesTecnologias de Produção e Construção 11
912358 Internship in the field of Robotics, Instrumentation and AutomationRobótica, Instrumentação e Automação Industrial 11
912356 Internship in the field of Structural MechanicsMecânica Estrutural 11
912342 Machine ToolsEngenharia Mecânica 4
912363 Mechanical Engineering Design IIProjecto Mecânico 5
912343 Plastic Moulding ProcessesEngenharia Mecânica 4
912352 Technical EnglishCiências Sociais e Humanas 2
912346 TurbomachinesEngenharia Mecânica 4

Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 14312/2015 - 02/12/2015

Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
1º Semestre
912306 Applied ChemistryEngenharia Mecânica 4 Valentim Nunes (1)(2)
912301 Linear AlgebraMatemática 5 Isabel Pitacas (1)(2)
912302 Mathematical Analysis IMatemática 6 Helena Monteiro (1)(2)
912304 Mechanics and WavesEngenharia Mecânica 5 Jorge Rafael Nogueira Raposo (1)(2)
912305 ProgrammingRobótica, Instrumentação e Automação Industrial 5 Bruno Chaparro (1)(2)
912303 Technical Drawing IEngenharia Mecânica 5 Jorge Rafael Nogueira Raposo (1)(2)
2º Semestre
912311 Applied Mechanics IEngenharia Mecânica 5 Carlos Pais Coelho (1)(2)
912310 Electricity and ElectronicsRobótica, Instrumentação e Automação Industrial 5 Francisco Nunes (1)(2)
912308 Materials Science and EngineeringEngenharia Mecânica 5 Isabel Nogueira (1)(2)
912307 Mathematical Analysis IIMatemática 6 Helena Monteiro (1)(2)
912312 Numerical and Statistical MethodsMatemática 4 Isabel Pitacas (1)(2)
912309 Technical Drawing IIEngenharia Mecânica 5 Jorge Rafael Nogueira Raposo (1)(2)


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
1º Semestre
912316 Applied Mechanics IIEngenharia Mecânica 5 Isabel Nogueira (1)(2)
912317 Materials TechnologyEngenharia Mecânica 5 Carlos Pais Coelho (1)(2)
912313 Mathematical Analysis IIIMatemática 5 Helena Monteiro (1)(2)
912314 Mechanical Behaviour of MaterialsEngenharia Mecânica 4.5 Carlos Pais Coelho (1)(2)
912315 Mechanical Systems DesignEngenharia Mecânica 5 Jorge Rafael Nogueira Raposo (1)(2)
912318 ThermodynamicsEngenharia Mecânica 5.5 Flávio Chaves (1)(2)
2º Semestre
912321 Fluid MechanicsEngenharia Mecânica 5 Flávio Chaves (1)(2)
912324 Heat TransferEngenharia Mecânica 5 Flávio Chaves (1)(2)
912319 Hydraulics and PneumaticsRobótica, Instrumentação e Automação Industrial 5 Bruno Chaparro (1)(2)
912320 Industrial MaintenanceEngenharia Mecânica 5 Jorge Rafael Nogueira Raposo (1)(2)
912323 Industrial OrganisationEngenharia Mecânica 4 Luís Carlos Duarte dos Reis (1)(2)
912322 Mechanics of Materials IEngenharia Mecânica 6 Jorge Rafael Nogueira Raposo (1)(2)


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
1º Semestre
912326 Air Conditioning and RefrigerationEngenharia Mecânica 5.5 Flávio Chaves (1)(2)
912325 Electrical MachinesRobótica, Instrumentação e Automação Industrial 5 Francisco Nunes (1)(2)
912335 Financial ManagementCiências Sociais e Humanas 4.5
912338 Foundry TechnologyEngenharia Mecânica 4.5
912336 Health and SafetyEngenharia Mecânica 4.5 Luís Carlos Duarte dos Reis (1)(2)
912327 Instrumentation and MeasurementsRobótica, Instrumentação e Automação Industrial 5.5
912330 Materials Joining TechnologyEngenharia Mecânica 5 Jorge Afonso Antunes (1)(2)
912361 Mechanical Engineering Design IEngenharia Mecânica 5.5 Jorge Afonso Antunes (1)(2)
912329 Mechanics of Materials IIEngenharia Mecânica 5.5
912337 QualityEngenharia Mecânica 4.5 Luís Carlos Duarte dos Reis (1)(2)
912331 Thermal MachinesEngenharia Mecânica 5
2º Semestre
912350 Engineering EthicsCiências Sociais e Humanas 2 Luís Carlos Duarte dos Reis (1)(2)
912362 Industrial AutomationRobótica, Instrumentação e Automação Industrial 4 Bruno Chaparro (1)(2)
912378 Internship/Placement Engenharia Mecânica 11 Flávio Chaves (2)
Carlos Pais Coelho (2)
Bruno Chaparro (1)(2)
Jorge Afonso Antunes (2)
912342 Machine ToolsEngenharia Mecânica 4 Jorge Afonso Antunes (1)(2)
912363 Mechanical Engineering Design IIEngenharia Mecânica 5 Jorge Afonso Antunes (1)(2)
912343 Plastic Moulding ProcessesEngenharia Mecânica 4
912352 Technical EnglishCiências Sociais e Humanas 2 Susana Domingos (1)
912346 TurbomachinesEngenharia Mecânica 4 Jorge Afonso Antunes (1)(2)

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona


Arteveldehogeschool, Gent, Belgium
Budapesti Muszaki, Foiskola, Hungary
Universita degli studi di Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy
Universita degli studi di Basilicata, Potenza, Italy Università di Bologna, Bolonha, Italy
Bialystok University of Technology, Bialystok, Poland Universitatea valahia din Targoviste, Targoviste, Romania Carbon Dream, S.p.A., Florence, Italy
Societa' Italiana Compositi, S.R.L., Ferrara, Italy

Colaboration with:

Beira Interior University - under various masters courses and research projects;
University of Minho - within research projects;
School of Engineering of Coimbra (ISEC-IPC) - in bachelor and master (MMTE) degrees and projects; Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre - within a master program;
Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Coimbra - in the context of doctoral programs and research projects;
Instituto Superior Técnico: within doctoral programs and research projects.


An agreement was made with the business community and the local public sector involving the City Hall of Abrantes, Center for Entrepreneurs of the Region of Santarém (NERSANT), Mitsubishi Fuso Truck Europe, Fundição Rossio de Abrantes, MOM Steel SA, Foundation Brakes Portugal , SMA - Sociedade Metalúrgica Anticorrosão Lda, Sofalca Lda, Tejo Energia, TRM - Tratamento Revestimento de Metais, Vitor Guedes - Industria e Comércio SA.

Agreements for internships with several companies:
Critical Kinetics, DOW Portugal, FRASAM, Futrimetal, Maquiceram, OGMA, Prifer, Mitsubishi, Sumol+Compal, Rações Zêzere, Renova, SMA, Tupperware, Victor Guedes, Vieira Alves, Centauro, etc.


Course coordinator

Jorge Manuel Afonso Antunes

Jorge Manuel Afonso Antunes

endereço de e-mail

Erasmus coordinator

Carlos Alexandre Campos Pais Coelho

Carlos Alexandre Campos Pais Coelho

Gabinete: Gabinete M3.1
t.: 300001613
endereço de e-mail

Administrative Support Staff

Adília Nogueira Carvalho Claudino

Adília Nogueira Carvalho Claudino

Gabinete: ESTA - Gab.1
t.: 241 379 532
ext.: 02500
endereço de e-mail
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