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Ano Letivo: 2023/24

Tecnologia no Desporto

Methodology of Physical and Sports Activities I

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Publication in the Diário da República: Aviso n.º 10753/2023 de 01/06/2023

8 ECTS; 1º Ano, 1º Semestre, 120,0 TP , Cód. 65891.

- Manuel António Anjos Neto de Azevedo (2)
- Christopher John Harold Pratt (2)
- António Francisco Silva Costa Marques (2)
- Frederico Casimiro (2)
- Mauro Miguel (1)(2)

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona

Not applicable.

Basketball: Know and understand the history of basketball, its evolution and future perspectives in its relationship with the concepts of Man and society. Acquire, perfect and master technical skills specific to the sport of Basketball. Understand and master the tactical organization of the game: general and specific principles of Basketball. Understand and use the main factors (technical, tactical, physiological and psychological), variables and indicators to observe, analyze, understand and intervene in basketball.

Football: Understand the history, rules and evolution of the sport at different levels (game, player, training, laws of the game, science, technology and management). Master the general regulations of the game of football. Acquire, perfect and master specific technical skills (offensive and defensive, individual and collective technical-tactical actions) of the football modality. Understand and master the tactical organization of the game: general and specific football principles and game methods. Know the main objectives of using technology in football and its uses.

Volleyball: Characterization of volleyball and repercussions on teaching/learning the game (historical and regulatory aspects). Address the main learning difficulties of the modality. Interpret the technical and tactical actions of the sport (basic technical-tactical procedures). Organize and structure a game teaching program (teaching volleyball through situations with and without player specialization, rotation and positioning on the field.

Rugby: Promote knowledge of the sport and develop in students the ability to plan, operate and evaluate introductory sporting sessions in the sport of Rugby. Master the content and pedagogical skills, selecting appropriate strategies for the development of learning. Describe and demonstrate the fundamental technical-tactical elements, identifying and correcting their main technical errors, and improving the physical fitness and motor skills of those involved. Apply basic techniques based on game principles. Identify the most frequent errors in the game of Rugby. Apply safety procedures in the game. Create learning situations with exercises representative of the game context. Apply dominant basic techniques for orderly formation and alignment. Identify the most frequent errors in orderly formation and alignment.

Basketball: History, evolution of basketball and its future. The playing field and equipment. Characterization of the game, rules, teaching/learning of the game. Offensive technical skills – dribbling, passing and receiving, Basic Offensive Position, 1st and 2nd half stops with rotation. Stride throw, jump throw, changes of direction. Introduction to defensive technique, Basic Defensive Position, positioning on the field (player, ball, basket). Defensive and offensive technique: 1x1 and 2x1; pass and cut. General and specific principles of offensive tactical organization. Tactical fundamentals – defense-attack transition with 2,3, 4 and 5 players. Tactical fundamentals: attack-defense transition with 2, 3, 4 and 5 players. Occupation of offensive spaces, in an organized “open 5” attack; occupation of defensive space, defense of the ball carrier and assists. Game statistics and analysis. Player/team characteristics (video views).

Football: History, Organization and Evolution of the Football Game in its different dimensions game, player, training, laws-of-the-game, science, technology and management). The laws of the game in Football. The attack and its stages (construction of offensive actions, creation of finishing and finishing situations). Defense and its stages (defensive balance, defensive recovery and defense itself). Offensive and defensive, individual and collective actions (decontextualized exercises vs. reduced games). The Specific Principles of the Game (attack and defense) - decontextualized exercises vs. reduced games. The offensive (positional attack, quick attack and counterattack) and defensive (zone, individual, mixed and pressing zone) methods of play. The training exercise and its classifications.

Volleyball: historical and regulatory aspects of the game of volleyball. Characterization of the game and repercussions on teaching/learning the game. Basic technical-tactical procedures - pass, headline and underhand service; service over the top, shot and block. Teaching volleyball through reduced and conditioned game situations - 1X1, 2X2, 3X3, 4X4. Training Game: 6x6 - without and with player specialization, rotation and positioning on the field. Reception systems (W or half-moon) and Defense systems (3-1-2 or 3-2-1). KI and KII Offensive System. The teaching-learning process in a school context – planning and organizing a teaching unit. Game statistics and analysis. Physical training as a complement to the sport.

Rugby: theoretical approach to the characteristics of the sport and presentation of the different variants (XV; Sevens; Beach rugby; Touch rugby; Wheelchair rugby; Tag rugby). Objective game space, players (position, role), scoring, principles of the game and fundamental actions of attack and defense. Elementary laws of the game (start and restart of play; Touch/pass forward; law of advantage; out of play). Rugby Ready and Touch rugby training. Referee signals. Methodology for teaching the modality. Pedagogical progression of the basic technical-tactical elements of the game - Carrying the ball in both hands, picking up the ball from the ground, running with the ball and feinting (evasion techniques), passing and receiving, passing before, during or after contact, fixation , folds, crosses, inside pass, preserve free space. Organization of support (simple and complex). Ways to play. Individual and collective defense. Orderly training. Alignment. Approach to the sport through conditioned games.

Evaluation Methodology
The evaluation is made up of four (4) assessment moments, each of which concerns a collective modality. The final grade of the Curricular Unit is obtained using the following formula:

Final Classification = (Bx25%) + (Fx25%) + (Vx25%) + (Rx25%),

where "B" corresponds to the evaluative moment carried out in the Basketball modality, "F" to the evaluative moment in the Football modality, "V" to the evaluative moment in the Volleyball modality and "R" to the evaluative moment in the Rugby modality.

The assessment in each of these modalities specifically corresponds to:

Basketball: written test (12.5%) and presentation of a teaching unit (12.5%);
Football: presentation of work on the theme of technology applied to football;
Volleyball: written test (12.5%) and presentation of a teaching unit (12.5%);
Rugby: written test (12.5%) and presentation of a teaching unit (12.5%);

In continuous evaluation, the minimum final grade required is 9.50 points, and the student cannot present more than a partial assessment (1 out of 4) lower than 9.50 points.

In exams, final and appeal, the minimum final classification required is 9.50 points, and the student cannot present more than a partial evaluation (1 out of 4) lower than 9.50 points.

- Castelo, J. (2008). Organização Dinâmica do Jogo. Lisboa: Edições Universitárias Lusófonas
- Gonçalves, J. (2009). Voleibol, Ensinar Jogando. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte
- Mesquita, F. (2013). Rugby para os Mais Novos. Uma abordagem do processo de iniciação na escola e no clube. Lisboa: Visão e Contextos
- Souza, V. (2018). Metodologia do Ensino do Basquetebol. Londrina: Editora e Distribuidora Educacional S.A.

Teaching Method
The classes will have two parts: the first in the classroom, mostly expository (using interactive thematic presentations), and the second in a sports space, markedly practical (practical application of the content covered in the classroom).

Software used in class
Microsoft Office (Word, Excel and PowerPoint).
GPEXE Cloud (External Load Monitoring System).




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