Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 1887/2016 - 05/02/2016
5 ECTS; 1º Ano, 1º Semestre, 60,0 TP + 15,0 OT , Cód. 964004.
- Isabel Maria da Cruz Ferreira (1)(2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable.
On completion of the module the students should understand the subject of Psychology, view Man as a biopsychosocial unit and every individual as a unique whole being.
1.Introdution (Object, Methodologies) 2.Biological foundations of behaviour 3.Interactional aspects of behaviour
4.Cognition: Perception; Memory; Thought; Language
5.Learning processes
6.Development psychology
Evaluation Methodology
(1) During term time, two written assessments (the 1st in the middle of the semester and the 2nd at the end) must be taken in order to be admitted to or exempted from the final exam. Students will only be admitted to the 2nd assessment if they have obtained a mark equal to or higher than 7.0 (seven point zero) in the 1st assessment. Students whose arithmetic average obtained in the two assessments is equal to or greater than 9.5 (nine point five) and with a minimum of 7.0 in each of them are exempt from the exam.
2. Written assessment at the established examination times.
3. Specific conditions: if in any of the written tests the classification is greater than or equal to 16 (sixteen) marks, the student is admitted to an oral test (of equal weight to the written test) and the final mark is the average of the tests. If the student does not attend, a mark of 15 (fifteen) will be awarded.
- DAVIDOFF, L. (2001). Introdução à Psicologia. São Paulo: Mc Graw-Hill
- EYSENCK, M. (2017). Manual de Psicologia Cognitiva. Porto Alegre: Artmed
- FELDMAN, R. (2017). Introdução à Psicologia. São Paulo: McGraw Hill
- GLEITMAN, H. (2014). Psicologia. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
- MYERS, D. (2017). Psicologia. Rio Janeiro: LTC
- NOLEN-HOEKSEMA, S. (2018). Introdução à Psicologia. São Paulo: Cengage
Teaching Method
Theoretical/practical classes supported by datashow and case study analysis.
Software used in class
Not applicable.