Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 9182/2020 - 25/09/2020
4 ECTS; 2º Ano, 1º Semestre, 45,0 TP + 3,0 OT , Cód. 964437.
- Maria Filipa Ferreira da Silva Pias (1)(2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable
1. Acquire general knowledge about ergonomics.
2. Understand the importance of ergonomics in communication design.
3. Be able to analyze communication design objects, considering the premises of communication ergonomics.
4. Know how to adopt the parameters of ergonomics in communication design.
1. Ergonomics, definition and fundamentals
2. Communication ergonomics
2.1 Principles of user-centered design
2.2 Inclusive design and visual accessibility
3. Factors and elements of graphic design and communication ergonomics
3.1 Legibility and Rules for the use of typography.
3.2 Color and its influence
3.3 Communication composition and hierarchy
4. Tools and methods for communication ergonomics
Evaluation Methodology
Attendance is mandatory in 2/3 of classes. The final grade is the arithmetic mean of:
1. Project, mandatory, individual, carried out in the classroom (50%).
2. Written test (50%).
Rating on a scale of 0 to 20 values
Students with attendance equal to or greater than 2/3 (two thirds) and who have obtained a minimum of 8 points in the Project and the Written Test during the semester will be admitted to the exam.
The exam, at all times, consists of a written test (100%). Approval: final grade equal to or greater than 10 (ten) values.
- Bringhurst, R. (2005). Elementos do Estilo Tipográfico, Versão 3.0. (Vol. 1). São Paulo: Cosac Naify
- Frascara, J. (2011). ¿Qué es el_diseño de información? . (Vol. 1). Buenos Aires: Ediciones Infinito
- Frutiger, A. (2001). En torno a la tipografia. . Barcelona: Gustavo Gili
- Iida, I. (2005). Ergonomia, Projeto e Produção. (Vol. 1). São Paulo: Edgard Blücher Ltda
- Lupton, E. (2010). Thinking with Type: A Critical Guide for Designers, Writers, Editors, and Students (Design Briefs). EUA: Princeton Architectural Press
- Mijksenaar , P. (2001). Una introducción al Diseño de la información. (Vol. 1). Naucalpan: Gustave Gili
- Norman, D. (2006). Design do Dia-a-Dia. (Vol. 1). Rio de Janeiro: Rocco
- Pettersson , R. (2016). Information Design Theories. (Vol. 1). Viena: International Institute for Information Design
Teaching Method
1. Presentation of theoretical content with the support of audiovisual media, study and analysis of cases.
2. Development of T / P assignments: case analysis / diagnosis and project development accompanied by the teacher.
Software used in class
Adobe Indesign e Illustrator