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Conservation and Restoration

Ano Letivo: 2022/23


Provide a solid scientific, technological and social learning, supported by a programme and courses that includes contact with real situations and laboratories experiences. This cycle of studies is based on the development of a diverse set of skills and competencies that permits excellent career opportunities and pursue postgraduate studies.


ECTS: 120
Location: Tomar.


The course aims to train professionals that will be able to access the conservator-restorer profession in accordance with international standards and recommendations in Conservation, in particular the European Network for Teaching Conservation and Restoration (Encore), which has IPT as a member, and the European Confederation of Conservative-Restorers Organisations (ECCO). In order to accomplish this, the course is closely related with the Bachelor's Degree in Conservation and Restoration, so the two together provide the five years training, which is indispensable for access the profession. In a more specific way, the course aims to develop and deepen the knowledge acquired in the Bachelor degree and, moreover, develop skills to, in a creative, critical, independent and interdisciplinary way, design, plan and integrate products and conservation and restoration processes, according to the standards and international best practices.

Professional Goals

 On completion of two courses of study in Conservation and Restoration totalling a 5-year training (licenciatura+mestrado), students are expected to be prepared to access the conservator-restorer profession according to international standards and recommendations for this activity sector, namely the European Network for Conservation-Restoration Education (ENCoRE), of which IPT is a member, and the European Confederation of Conservator-restorers' Organisations (ECCO).

Graduates from this master's program can be responsible for any conservation / restoration intervention, namely in cultural assets already classified or submitted for classification - which, according to the Portuguese law, requires 5-year training in conservation and restoration (Decree-Law No. 140/2009) and 5 years of professional experience.
Apart from conservation and restoration related activities, graduates from this master's degree can also be engaged in the safeguard, enhancement and preservation of cultural assets in a wide range of organisations such as central and local government bodies, museums, charities, foundations, monuments, palaces, churches, convents, archaeological sites, antiquaries, auctioneers, property carriers, property management companies, conservation/restoration project offices and science/technology research laboratories.

Condições de Acesso


Ano Letivo: 2022/23
Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
338011 Applied Conservation and RestorationConservação e Restauro 15.5
338021 Applied Conservation and RestorationConservação e Restauro 15.5
1º Semestre
304137 Outras 4
338015 Advanced Methods of Examination and AnalysisFísica e Química 5.5
338025 Advanced Methods of Examination and AnalysisFísica e Química 5.5
964314 Aesthetics I 4
338022 Architectural HeritageOutras 4
338022 Architectural HeritageArquitectura 4
938052 Art History 2 4
96433 Art History IOutras 4
3380121 Art and Culture IHistória da Arte 5.5
3380221 Art and Culture IHistória da Arte 5.5
30062 Building Conservation and Regeneration IOutras 4
938017 Chromatic Reintegration TechniquesOutras 4
338016 Collection PreservationConservação e Restauro 4
338016 Collection PreservationOutras 4
938064 History and Technology of WoodcarvingOutras 4
938069 History and Technology of Woodcarving and FurnitureOutras 4
938065 History of Decorative ArtsOutras 4
938063 Iconology 4
938035 IconologyOutras 4
964413 Image ProcessingOutras 4
93802 Introduction to Representation MethodsOutras 4
30063 Pathology of Building MaterialsOutras 4
304131 Photography Conservation IOutras 4
3380128 Portuguese SculptureOutras 4
964451 ScreenprintingOutras 4
3380228 The Artwork and its ContextOutras 4
964026 Training MethodsOutras 4
2º Semestre
3380130 4
964031 Active Training MethodsOutras 4
338019 Art ExpertiseHistória da Arte 4
338019 Art ExpertiseOutras 4
96437 Art History IIOutras 4
3380126 Art and Culture IIHistória da Arte 5.5
3380226 Art and Culture IIHistória da Arte 5.5
964434 Binding and Treatment of Graphic ItemsOutras 4
338029 Change and Changeability Outras 4
338029 Change and Changeability Física e Química 4
338012 Collection ManagementConservação e Restauro 4
338012 Collection ManagementOutras 4
938022 Conservation and Restoration IVOutras 4
96436 Drawing IOutras 4
938044 Iconography (Optional Course: Option2)Outras
338026 Immovable Cultural HeritageOutras 4
338026 Immovable Cultural HeritageConservação e Restauro 4
3380127 Methodology of ResearchConservação e Restauro 4
3380227 Methodology of ResearchConservação e Restauro 4
304132 Photography Conservation IIOutras 4
938043 Sacred Worship and Worldview (Optional Course:Option2)Outras 4


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
3380365 DissertationConservação e Restauro 60
3380364 Internship/PlacementConservação e Restauro 60

Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 9982/2016 - 05/08/2016

Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
338041 Applied Conservation and RestorationConservação e Restauro 15 Luís Filipe Raposo Pereira (2)
Fernando Costa (2)
Fernando Antunes (2)
Carla Rego (1)(2)
1º Semestre
338045 Architectural HeritageArquitectura 4 Jorge Mascarenhas (1)(2)
338043 Art Theory and Criticism História da Arte 5.5 Teresa Desterro (1)(2)
338044 Cultural Heritage LawDireito 4 Fernando Larcher (1)(2)
338046 Current Conservation IssuesConservação e Restauro 3 Luís Filipe Raposo Pereira (2)
Andreia Nogueira (2)
Fernando Costa (2)
Fernando Antunes (2)
Carla Rego (2)
António Cruz (1)(2)
Ângela Sofia Alves Ferraz (2)
Ricardo Triães (2)
338042 Research MethodologyConservação e Restauro 5.5 António Cruz (1)(2)
2º Semestre
338048 Advanced Examination and Analysis MethodsFísica e Química 5.5 António Cruz (1)(2)
338049 Entrepreneurship and Corporate StrategyConservação e Restauro 4 António Ferreira (2)
Ricardo Triães (1)(2)
3380411 Expertise in ArtHistória da Arte 4 Miguel Moncada (1)(2)
338047 Integrated ManagementConservação e Restauro 5.5 Maria João Cassis Valadas Revez (1)(2)
3380410 Philosophy of ConservationConservação e Restauro 4 Maria João Cassis Valadas Revez (1)(2)


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
3380414 DissertationConservação e Restauro 60 António Cruz (1)(2)
3380413 InternshipConservação e Restauro 60 António Cruz (1)(2)

Diário da República, 2.ª série, n.º 150, Despacho n.º 9982/2016, de 5 de agosto de 2016, http://www.cr.estt.ipt.pt/doc/9982-2016.pdf

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona


  • DGPC – Direcção Geral do Património-Cultural
  • Local and regional authorities
  • Religious institutions
  • Foreign institutions with conservation and restoration activity
  • National Conservation and Restoration enterprises


Course coordinator

António João de Carvalho da Cruz

António João de Carvalho da Cruz

Gabinete: G206
ext.: 3206
endereço de e-mail

Erasmus coordinator

António João de Carvalho da Cruz

António João de Carvalho da Cruz

Gabinete: G206
ext.: 3206
endereço de e-mail

Administrative Support Staff

Guiomar Maria Marques Fonseca Cotovio

Guiomar Maria Marques Fonseca Cotovio

Gabinete: I 215
t.: 249 328 237
ext.: 1214 e 01302
endereço de e-mail
Ano Letivo: 2022/23
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