6 ECTS; 2º Ano, 1º Semestre, 30,0 T + 30,0 PL + 15,0 OT , Cód. 908917.
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable
Acquisition and application of knowledge in the following areas:
-Soil composition and properties;
-Standardisation and laboratory testing;
-Field compaction and control;
-Stress calculation;
-Instability phenomena resulting from groundwater flow.
Introduction to Soil Mechanics: origin and types of soil deposit,
properties of engineering soils, classification. Standards for testing
and interpretation methods. Soil compaction: standards; effects on
soil properties; field compaction and control. Stress and deformation in soil mass: stress due to self-weight; stress due to applied loads; settlements based on elastic theory. Seepage.
Evaluation Methodology
Assessment is based on written tests, with theoretical and practical components.
Pass requirement: A minimum of 40% in each component and a minimum global mark of 9.5 is required to pass.
- Berry, P. e Reid, D. (1993). An Introduction to Soil Mechanics. (pp. 1-317). UK: McGraw-Hill
- Correia, A. (1987). Ensaios para Controlo de Terraplenagens. Lisboa: LNEC
- Fernandes, M. (2009). Mecânica dos Solos. (Vol. I). Porto: FEUP
- LNEC, L. (1967). Normas Portuguesas para a Realização de Ensaios. Lisboa: LNEC
Teaching Method
Theoretical and interactive classes. Examples of practical
construction works and exercise solving. Laboratory testing.
Software used in class
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