Condições de Acesso
4ªfase: 1/07 a 17/09/2021
Start of classes: scheduled for 11/10/2021
Online classes, in synchronous regime:
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays: 17.30-19.30/20.00-22.00
Classes and assessments:
Saturday: 9.30-13.00/14.00-18.00
2 UC classes at ENB concentrated in a week from Monday to Friday, predictably in the month of July 2022 at ENB (Sintra).
Admission criteria:
Degree of Firemen with 5 years of experience or candidates with the relevant curriculum in Civil Protection.
Academic Office
Fee and payment methods:
FEE: €1600
(total payment with 2% discount or payment spread over 10 times);
Admission Fee: 60,00 €
Dados Bancários para efetuares o pagamento:
IBAN: PT50 0781 0112 0000 0001 2791 7
MORADA: Quinta do Contador, 2300 Tomar
FAVORECIDO: Instituto Politécnico de Tomar
NIF do Organismo: 503767549
2€ School insurance
- Detailed Curriculum Vitae;
- Certificates of Qualifications;
- Citizen Card or Print:
- Copy of identity card and taxpayer card;
Additional Information:
Course Coordinator:
Prof.ª Rita Ferreira Anastácio (
Susana Marques (