Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 17071/2009 - 23/07/2009
3 ECTS; 1º Ano, Anual, 7,0 TP + 12,0 TC + 8,0 S , Cód. 64986.
- Telmo Jorge Ramos Pereira (1)(2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable.
1) Relevance of knapped stone tools
2) Basic principles about lithic technology
a) Basic definitions
b) Main contexts
c) Main characteristics
d) Concepts and definitions
e) Technology and analysis
f) Typology and seriation
1- Introduction and basic concepts
2- Lithic Technology:
a) Raw materials, mechanics and physics associated to knapping.
b) Knapping artefacts and knapping tecniques: hard and soft hammers; direct and indirect percussion, pressure knapping.
c) Knapping methods: Debitage and configuration.
d) Knapping products: cores, flakes, blades and bladelets; configuration and maintenance products; debris.
3- Lithic Typology
a) Main configurated and retouched tools from the Lower Palaeolithic and Early Stone Age;
b) Main configurated and retouched tools from the Middle Palaeolithic and Middle Stone Age;
c) Main configurated and retouched tools from the Upper Palaeolithic and Later Stone Age.
4- Analysis
a) Quantitative criteria
b) Qualitative criteria
c) Database construction
5) Data interpretation
a) Inventories
b) Context Reliability Interpretation
c) Technological seriation
d) Typological serialization
e) Chronological interpretation
f) cultural interpretation
g) functional interpretation
Evaluation Methodology
Practical assignment.
- Bordes, F. (1961). La typologie du paléolithique ancien et moyen. Paris: CNRS
- Brézillon, M. (1983). La Dénomination des objets de pierre taillée. Matériaux pour un vocabulaire des préhistoriens de langue française. (IV Supplé). . Paris: CNRS,.
- Inizan, M. e Reduron-Ballinger, M. e Roche, H. e Tixier, J. (1999). Technology and terminology of knapped stone. Nanterre: Cercle de Recherches et dÉtudes préhistoriques
- Lexique typologique du Paléolithique supérieur.(1954, 0 de ---). Bulletin de la Société Préhistorique Française, pp. 327-335.
Teaching Method
Theoretical-practical sessions.
Software used in class
E4, Excel, PAST