IPT Logotipo do IPT

Ano Letivo: 2021/22

Gestão Turística e Cultural

Tour Operators and Travel Agencies

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Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 14880/2013 de 15/11/2013

6 ECTS; 2º Ano, 1º Semestre, 30,0 T + 45,0 TP , Cód. 964155.

- João Pedro Tomaz Simões (1)(2)

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona

Not applicable

- Provide knowledge and skills to understand the structure of tourism distribution;
- Make known the concepts and terminologies used by tourism intermediaries;
- Develop and market tourism packages;
- Know and master the global distribution system.
- Check flight availability
- Make airline reservations, including special requests and other optional features.
- Make changes to bookings made
- See rate notes - changes and cancellations
- Calculate the price of a trip
- Make travel budgets
- Issue electronic documents - tickets and EMD.

1. Tour Package Programming.
1.1.The tourist program;
1.2.Types of tourism program;
1.3. The tourism package: concept and classifications;
1.4. Terminology used to define the tourism package.
2. The role of intermediaries in the tourism system: travel agencies and tour operators:
2.1. Travel agency background;
2.2. Retail businesses;
2.3. Wholesale companies;
2.4. Wholesale / retail companies;
2.5. Strategy of major international operators;
3. Global Distribution Systems (GSD);
3.1. The context of the GDS;
3.2. Global Distribution Systems;
3.3. Tourist distribution on the internet;
3.4. Operation of the Sales Platform: Reservations, Tariffs and Emissions;
3.5 Elaboration of the reservation:
3.6. Schedule consultation: flight frequency and availability;
3.7. Reservation Required Fields;
3.8. Optional fields;
3.9. Special services and place marking;
3.10. Sale of ancillary services - shopping cart;
3.11. Changes / cancellation of the reservation;
3.12. Status Codes Update;
3.13. Divide Booking File,
3.14. Rates:
Note Consultation - restrictions on changes and cancellation;
3.14.2. Rate reservations - different types of Fare Quote;
3.14.3. Branded Fares;
3.14.4. Types of passengers (adult, child, baby, etc.);
3.14.5.Search for the best rate - shopping;
3.14.6.To prepare budgets for clients.
3.15. Issuance of Documents
3.15.1.Familiarization with ticket fields;
3.15.2.Electronic ticket issuance;
3.15.3. Ticket cancellation;
3.15.4. EMD issuance for payment of ancillary services;
3.15.5. Emissions report
4. Interpreter Guides and Travel Agencies:
4.1. Tourism Interpreter Guides in Portugal;
4.2. Access to the profession of guide interpreter;
4.3. Guide Profession - Local service and circuits;
4.4. Services in several languages.
5.1. Client or tourist;
5.2. Motivations and needs of the tourist consumer;
5.3. The process that drives the tourist to buy a tourist product;
5.4. Package analysis or tourism program.
6. Competitiveness Factors:
6.1. Concept of competitiveness;
6.2. The quality;
6.3. The innovation;
6.4. The creativity;
7. Preparation and marketing of packages;
7.1. Tourist production;
7.2. The design of the tourist circuit;
7.3. The tourist operation.

Evaluation Methodology
1. Continous Assessment:

1.1. Written test - 40% of the final grade - the student must obtain at least 7.5 points to remain in continuous assessment;

1.2. Practical assignment # 1 (group) - 40% of the final grade in continuous assessment;

1.3. Practical work # 2 (individual) - to be done in the classroom - is equivalent to 20% of the final grade in continuous assessment.

2. Exam season:

2.1. The grade in the written exam is equivalent to 100% of the grade for students who did not participate in the continuous assessment.

2.2. In the case of students who participated in the continuous assessment and failed, but whose works were successful, these will be included in the final evaluation (count 60% of the final grade), provided that the students are rated at least 7.5 in the final grade of the written exam (which will account for 40% of your final grade).

- Abranja, N. e Magalhães, C. (2018). Gestão de Agências de Viagens e Turismo. Lisboa: Lidel
- Archer, J. (2003). Manual of Travel Agency Practice. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann
- Chan, N. (2011). Circuitos turísticos - Programación y Cotización.. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Turísticas de Mario Banchik
- Holland, J. e Leslie, D. (2017). Tour Operators and Operations. Wallingford: CABI

Teaching Method
The practical classes will provide students with tools and knowledge essential to the specific activity of travel and tourism agencies, as well as training the student in Galileo Software.

Software used in class




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