Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 3359/2013 - 01/03/2013
4 ECTS; 2º Ano, 1º Semestre, 45,0 TP + 3,0 OT , Cód. 964437.
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable.
1. In-depth understand of typography in order to be able to use it properly in each graphic product having in mind communicative accuracy;
2. understand and apply ergonomic rules for legibility and readibility;
3. critically analyse graphic design according to communication principles.
1. Typography: historical evolution of type, type classification and samples of type in use;
2. Typographic rules for legibility and readability:
2.1. Display and text type;
2.2. Legibility and readability;
2.3. X-height;
2.4. The cases;
2.5. With and without serifs;
2.6. Weight and contrast;
2.7. Letter shapes;
2.8. Leading;
2.9. Spacing type;
2.10. Text alignment;
3. Colour theory applied to graphic design;
4. Signage and pictograms;
5. Diagrammatic representation;
6. Graphic design cases analysis.
Evaluation Methodology
Mid-term assessment:
1. Practical project covering the content taught in class (50%).
2. Written test covering taught subject matter (50%).
In order to be qualified to take the exam, students must have obtained a minimum mark of 8/20 on continuous a
- Bringhurst, R. (2005). Elementos do Estilo Tipográfico, Versão 3.0. (Vol. 1). São Paulo: Cosac Naify
- Frascara, J. (2011). ¿Qué es el_diseño de información? . (Vol. 1). Buenos Aires: Ediciones Infinito
- Frutiger, A. (2001). En torno a la tipografia. . Barcelona: Gustavo Gili
- Iida, I. (2005). Ergonomia, Projeto e Produção. (Vol. 1). São Paulo: Edgard Blücher Ltda
- Lupton, E. (2010). Thinking with Type: A Critical Guide for Designers, Writers, Editors, and Students (Design Briefs). EUA: Princeton Architectural Press
- Mijksenaar , P. (2001). Una introducción al Diseño de la información. (Vol. 1). Naucalpan: Gustave Gili
- Norman, D. (2006). Design do Dia-a-Dia. (Vol. 1). Rio de Janeiro: Rocco
- Pettersson , R. (2016). Information Design Theories. (Vol. 1). Viena: International Institute for Information Design
Teaching Method
1. Lectures supported by datashow on subjects written and prepared by the lecturer;
2. Tutorials comprising analysis of communication texts according to communication ergonomics parameters.
Software used in class
N. A.