IPT Logotipo do IPT

Ano Letivo: 2019/20

Conservação e Restauro

Introduction to Conservation and Restoration

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Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho n.º 10852/2016 - 05/09/2016

4 ECTS; 1º Ano, 1º Semestre, 30,0 T + 15,0 TP + 2,0 OT , Cód. 93801.

- Ana Patrícia Bidarra dos Santos Lourenço (1)(2)

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona

Not applicable.

Introduction to Conservation and Restoration - Theory and History.
Health and safety principles.
Equipment, tools and utensils.
Knowledge of the transversal and interdisciplinary relevance in Conservation and Restoration.
Acquiring the fundamentals on the intervention criteria and methodology, through the application of the most common methods and materials.
Identification of the most common alterations in different supports.
Knowledge of the unique character of each work, collection and intervention.
Consultation and selection of bibliography and documents that allow to develop knowledge in the different areas of conservation and restoration.

I. Introduction.
1. Conservation and restoration: evolution and definition.
2. Ethics and fundamental principles.
3. Institutions, and national and international regulamentary resolutions for the Conservation and Restoration profession.

II. Conservation and restoration practice.
1. Health and safety principles.
2. Manipulation, transport and storage of cultural property.
3. Equipment, materials and products.
4. Diagnosis.
4.1. Materials and techniques.
4.2. Causes of degradation.
4.3. Alteration phenomena’s.
4.4. Damage extension.
5. Examination methods.
5.1. Area and local.
5.2. Destructive and non-destructive.
5.3. Qualitative and quantitative.
5.4. Criteria for the method selection.
6. Recording.
6.1. Charts.
6.2. Labelling.
6.3. Graphic record.
6.4. Photographic record.
6.5. Technical report.
7. Intervention.
7.1. Treatment proposal.
7.2. Treatment.
7.2.1. Graphic and photographic record.
7.2.2. Removal of degraded/inadequate interventions.
7.2.3. Facing.
7.2.4. Fixation.
7.2.5. Removal/disassembled of parts.
7.2.6. Disinfestation.
7.2.7. Consolidation.
7.2.8. Desalinization.
7.2.9. Cleaning.
7.2.10. Gluing.
7.2.11. Structural reinforcement.
7.2.12. Fillings of fissures, fractures and small gaps.
7.2.13. Volumetric reconstitution.
7.2.14. Levelling.
7.2.15. Replicas.
7.2.16. Assembling.
7.2.17. Retouching.
7.2.18. Protective layer.
8. Environmental conditions and storage.
9. Preventive conservation.

Evaluation Methodology
Final grade: Written test (70%) + Essay (15%) + Attendance (15%).
This method is valid for all the evaluation periods.

(0). Criterios de intervención. Acedido em 27 de setembro de 2019 em https://ipce.culturaydeporte.gob.es/difusion/publicaciones/libros-del-ipce/coremans.html
(0). Criterios de intervención. Acedido em 27 de setembro de 2019 em https://ipce.culturaydeporte.gob.es/difusion/publicaciones/libros-del-ipce/coremans.html
(0). • Competences for access to the conservation-restoration profession. Acedido em 14 de setembro de 2018 em http://www.ecco-eu.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ECCO_professional_guidelines_III.pdf.
(0). • Competences for access to the conservation-restoration profession. Acedido em 14 de setembro de 2018 em http://www.ecco-eu.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ECCO_professional_guidelines_III.pdf.
(0). • Normas de Inventário. Acedido em 14 de setembro de 2018 em • http://www.matriznet.dgpc.pt/matriznet/NormasInventario.aspx
(0). • Normas de Inventário. Acedido em 14 de setembro de 2018 em • http://www.matriznet.dgpc.pt/matriznet/NormasInventario.aspx
(2003). Conservación y restauración. Materiales, técnicas y procedimientos. De la A a la Z. Barcelona: Ediciones del Serbal
(2003). Conservación y restauración. Materiales, técnicas y procedimientos. De la A a la Z. Barcelona: Ediciones del Serbal
(2010). Contemporary theory of conservation. Oxford: Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann
(2010). Contemporary theory of conservation. Oxford: Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann

Teaching Method
Theoretical classes where theories will be problematized and described; conservation and restoration concepts and methods applied to different objects.
Theoretical-practical classes where different techniques, materials and methods will be explained

Software used in class




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