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Archaeology Techniques

Ano Letivo: 2018/19


Provide a solid scientific, technological and social learning, supported by a programme and courses that includes contact with real situations and laboratories experiences. This cycle of studies is based on the development of a diverse set of skills and competencies that permits excellent career opportunities and pursue postgraduate studies.


ECTS: 120


The main objective is to train technicians in the field of archeology and Heritage able to carry on independently the tasks typically required during field work and laboratory. So the training shall comprise quite practical applications of the different methods of data collection in archeology and heritage with the most modern instruments. Graduates will be able to prepare reports and projects.

Professional Goals


Holders of the master's degree in Archaeological Techniques are prepared among others to perform as:

· Middle managers in public bodies, museums, municipalities, etc.);

· Collaborators or responsible for archaeological monitoring/intervention activities;

· Members of multidisciplinary teams working in laboratories engaged in the analysis of archaeological artifacts or ecofacts.

Ano Letivo: 2018/19
Plano curricular
Cód. UC Ramo Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
649871 Dissemination of Scientific Knowledge in the Media. Theory and Techniques.Tronco comum 3
300872 EnglishTronco comum 3
300869 Methodology of Scientific WorkTronco comum 3
300871 PortugueseTronco comum 3
1º Semestre
30083 Bioarchaeology and Human EvolutionTronco comum 6
30088 Cultural Heritage ManagementTronco comum 3
30082 European PrehistoryTronco comum 3
30086 Excavation, recording and analysis methodsTronco comum 3
30084 Geology of Continental Quaternary FormationsTronco comum 3
30085 Landscape PlaeoecologyTronco comum 3
30087 Lithic Technology and TypologyTronco comum 3
30089 MuseographyTronco comum 3
30081 Prehistoric ArtTronco comum 3
2º Semestre
649819 Tronco comum 3
3008113 Tronco comum 2
3008114 Tronco comum 2
3008116 Tronco comum 2
3008117 Tronco comum 2
3008118 Tronco comum 2
3008119 Tronco comum 4
3008120 Tronco comum 2
3008121 Tronco comum 4
3008122 Tronco comum 2
3008123 Tronco comum 3
3008124 Tronco comum 3
3008126 Tronco comum 2
3008127 Tronco comum 2
3008128 Tronco comum 3
3008129 Tronco comum 2
3008130 Tronco comum 2
3008105 "The Prehistory of Death: from Stone Age to Iron Age"Tronco comum 3
300873 Archaeology and Heritage TheoryTronco comum 3
300820 Art and Archaeology of the Peninsular ProtohistoryTronco comum 3
300821 Brazilian ArchaeologyTronco comum 3
3008103 Computer Science 1Tronco comum 3
3008109 Contextualisation of Archaeological SitesTronco comum 3
649858 Documentation and Study of Ceramic MaterialTronco comum 3
649851 EthnoarchaeologyTronco comum 3
300863 Evaluation and Quality for Cultural HeritageTronco comum 3
300868 Examination and AnalysisTronco comum 3
3008115 GIS and NTIC IIITronco comum 2
300867 Generation and Modification of Anthropic DepositsTronco comum 3
3008111 Geoarchaeology SeminarTronco comum 6
300835 Geodiversity and Archaeological HeritageTronco comum 3
300847 Geographic Information Systems ApplicationsTronco comum 3
300836 GeomorphologyTronco comum 3
3008110 Integrated Archaeology and Land ManagementTronco comum 3
300862 Intercultural Integration ModuleTronco comum 3
300817 Latin-American Rock ArtTronco comum 3
3008104 Methods and Techniques SeminarTronco comum 6
3008106 PalaeogeographyTronco comum 3
300816 Palaeolithic ArtTronco comum 3
300815 Peninsular Neolithic ArtTronco comum 3
300818 Post-Palaeolithic ArtTronco comum 3
300822 Prehistory SeminarTronco comum 6
300819 Prehistory in the Iberian PeninsulaTronco comum 3
300864 Presentation Styles and TechniquesTronco comum 3
300855 Preservation, Moulding and Restoration of Archaeological MaterialsTronco comum 3
300832 Rock-Art ArchaeologyTronco comum 3
3008107 Sedimentology and Laboratory AnalysesTronco comum 6
300826 South-American ArchaeologyTronco comum 3
3008108 Stratigraphy and Palaeontology of the QuaternaryTronco comum 6
3008125 Tools for the recovery of PC (GIS and NTIC)Tronco comum 3
649896 What is Prehistoric Art: a journey through paint and chiselTronco comum 3


Plano curricular
Cód. UCRamoArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
300884 BA - Stand-alone ActivitiesTronco comum 10
300888 BA - Internship/Placement and Final ReportTronco comum 8
300894 BA - Internship/Placement and Final ReportTronco comum 42
300891 GA - Internship/Placement and Final ReportTronco comum 42
300881 GA - Stand-alone ActivitiesTronco comum 10
300886 GA- Field and Laboratory ActivitiesTronco comum 8
300890 Internship/Placement and Final ReportTronco comum 42
300889 MD - Field and Laboratory ActivitiesTronco comum 8
300893 MD - Internship/Placement and Final ReportTronco comum 42
300883 MD - Stand-alone ActivitiesTronco comum 10
300885 TAAR - Field and Laboratory ActivitiesTronco comum 8
300880 TAAR - Stand-alone ActivitiesTronco comum 10
300887 TSR - Field and Laboratory ActivitiesTronco comum 8
300882 TSR - Stand-alone ActivitiesTronco comum 10
300892 TSR- Internship/Placement and Final ReportTronco comum 42

Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho n.º 7701/2016 09/06/2016

Plano curricular
Cód. UC Ramo Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
1º Semestre
3008131 Archaeological Field Techniques Tronco comumArqueologia 6
3008133 Archaeological Recording TechniquesTronco comumArqueologia 3
3008134 Foreign LanguageTronco comumLíngua Estrangeira 3
3008135 Mapping techniquesTronco comumCartografia 6
3008132 Office and Laboratory TechniquesTronco comumArqueologia 6
3008136 Themes and Historical Contexts in ArchaeologyTronco comumArqueologia 6
2º Semestre
3008140 Archaeological Excavation Técnicas de ArqueologiaArqueologia 6
3008141 Archaeometry Técnicas de ArqueologiaCiências da Terra 3
3008145 Complex and global landscape management: integrated management and cultural tourismGestão do Património CulturalMuseologia 6
3008144 Concepts and Theories: protecting cultural landscapes and intangibility as a landscapeGestão do Património CulturalMuseologia 6
3008139 Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage Técnicas de ArqueologiaArqueologia 6
3008146 Dynamic management of cultural landscapes: reconstruction of cultural landscapes, quality control and applied projectGestão do Património CulturalCiências da Terra 6
3008138 Geographic Information SystemsTécnicas de ArqueologiaCartografia 6
3008147 Interdisciplinarity and Interculturality: European Culture, Language, Professional and Collaborative ProjectsGestão do Património CulturalGeografia Cultural 6
3008142 Palaeoenvironmental ReconstructionsTécnicas de ArqueologiaCiências da Terra 6
3008137 Remote Surveying Techniques Técnicas de ArqueologiaCiências da Terra 3
3008143 Tools and methods: virtual reality, GIS and ICTGestão do Património CulturalInformática 6


Plano curricular
Cód. UCRamoArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
3008161 Dissertation [GPC]Gestão do Património CulturalArqueologia 48
3008159 Internship with report [GPC]Gestão do Património CulturalArqueologia 48
3008160 Project [GPC]Gestão do Património CulturalArqueologia 48
1º Semestre
3008148 Social and Heritage Enhancement TechniquesTronco comumMuseologia 6
3008152 Archaeological Rock Art TechniquesTécnicas de ArqueologiaArqueologia 3
3008151 Archaeozoology Laboratory Técnicas de ArqueologiaArqueologia 6
3008150 Geoarchaeology Técnicas de ArqueologiaCiências da Terra 3
3008153 Seminar Tronco comumArqueologia 6
3008149 Underwater Archaeological Intervention MethodologiesTécnicas de ArqueologiaArqueologia 6
2º Semestre
3008157 Dissertation [AT]Técnicas de ArqueologiaArqueologia 30
3008155 Internship and final report [AT]Técnicas de ArqueologiaArqueologia 30
3008156 Project [AT]Técnicas de ArqueologiaArqueologia 30

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona


Course coordinator

Pierluigi Rosina

Pierluigi Rosina

Gabinete: G202
endereço de e-mail

Erasmus coordinator

Luis Filipe Neves Carreira dos Santos

Luis Filipe Neves Carreira dos Santos

Gabinete: L214
t.: +351 249 32 8 100
ext.: 7205
endereço de e-mail
Ano Letivo: 2018/19
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