6 ECTS; 1º Ano, 1º Semestre, 45,0 TP , Cód. 30184.
- Rita Ribeiro de Carvalho Ferreira Anastácio (2)
- Inês Domingues Serrano (2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not Apply
Knowledge of the history of cartographic representations and relevance of cartography in urban planning and territorial management.
Theoretical knowledge related to cartographic information and representation, as well as reference systems. Methods of execution of georeferencing processes, acquisition and manipulation of geographic information.
Cartography concept
The cartographic representations of the city
Mapping in urban planning
Coordinated Coordinate Systems
Cartographic data
Creation of thematic maps
Digitization of information
Map Georeferencing
Evaluation Methodology
Research report (30%)
Theoretical assessment test (30%)
Practical assessment test (40%)
- Casaca, J. e Matos, J. e Baio, M. (2001). Topografia Geral. Lisboa: Lidel
- Gaspar, J. (2000). Cartas e projecções cartográficas. Lisboa: Lidel
- Matos, J. (2005). Fundamentos de Informação Geográfica. Lisboa: Lidel
(2000). Noções Gerais de Geodesia. Lisboa: IGEOE
Teaching Method
Presencial. Theoretical and practical application to individual subjects using computer resources. They also foster the autonomous working of the student in performing the exercises.
Software used in class
Autocad, ArcGis