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Ano Letivo: 2017/18

Gestão Turística e Cultural

Cultural Events and Tourist Entertainment

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Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 14880/2013 de 15/11/2013

6 ECTS; 2º Ano, 2º Semestre, 30,0 T + 45,0 TP , Cód. 964173.

- José Luís Sousa Soares de Oliveira Braga (2)

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona

Not applicable

Students should be able to:
- Organize, plan and manage any type of event.
- Plan and manage tourist animation programs according to tourist destinations and companies in the sector.
- Design products based on the sector of events integrated in package touristic and cultural.
- Understand the relationship between events and tourism;
- To know the motivations of tourists who visit events;
- Understand the activity of tourist animator and know the resources that are available to the tourist animation.

1. Conceptualization, characterization and typologies of events. The industry of events.
1.1. Event definition;
1.2. Types of events;
1.3. Characterization of events;
1.4. Importance of events for brands;
1.5. Critical success factors in the event industry.
2. The relationship between events and tourism activity;
2.1. Events, society and development;
2.2. Impacts of tourist events;
2.3. Tourist events and destination image;
2.4. Authenticity in tourism and events.
3. Motivation, experience and satisfaction in tourism and events:
3.1. Motivation in tourist events;
3.2. Experience in tourism and events;
3.3. Satisfaction in tourist events.
4. Planning and organization of events:
4.1. Characteristics of the event planning process;
4.2. Types of event planning;
4.3. Phases of the planning process;
4.4. Types of planning;
4.5. Importance of planning;
4.6. Phases of the organization process;
4.7. Administrative organization;
4.8. Operational and logistic organization;
4.9. Commercial organization;
4.10. Economic and financial organization.
5. Characterization of tourism animation:
5.1. Definition of tourist animation;
5.2. Evolution and trends of tourism animation;
5.3. Objectives and functions of tourist animation services;
6. The figure of the tourist animator:
6.1. Definition of tourist attraction;
6.2. Functions of the tourist animator;
6.3. Qualities of the tourist animator;
6.4. Activities of the tourist animator;
6.5. Types of animators
7. Material resources available to the tourist animation department:
7.1. Facilities that the animation department uses;
7.2. Material resources of the animation area;
7.3. Prevention of risks arising from the work activity of tourist animation.
8. Organization and efficient planning in the tourist animation:
8.1. Economic and financial management;
8.2. Administrative management;
8.3. Human resource Management;
8.4. Definition and characteristics of the animation program;
8.5. Analysis and elaboration of tourist animation programs;
8.6. Activities and touristic animation.

Evaluation Methodology
- 1st Continuous assessment test - 40% of the final grade (the student must have a grade higher than 7.5 points);
- 2nd Work #1 (in a group): Practical work - 40%; - 3º Work #2 (individual): Worksheets to be elaborated in each class.

- Araújo, S. e Almeida, P. (2017). Introdução à Gestão de Animação Turística. Lisboa: Lidel
- Marujo, N. (2015). Turismo, Turistas e Eventos: da Teoria à Prática. Castelo Branco: RVJ – Editores, Lda.
- Morales Caraballo, M. (2016). Animación turística. Madrid: Editorial Sintesis
- Vieira, J. (2015). Eventos e Turismo - Planeamento e Organização - da teoria à prática. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo

Teaching Method
Two types of sessions:
a) Lectures comprising explanatory presentations (critical analysis and student participation;
b) Theoretical-practical classes (case studies and brainstorming).

Software used in class
Not applicable




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