3 ECTS; 1º Ano, 1º Semestre, 30,0 TP + 5,0 OT + 5,0 O , Cód. 30164.
- Sérgio Paulo Leal Nunes (2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable.
1.Understand the basic concepts of research or project creation
2.Understand and limit a study problem and analyse it critically
3.Be able to carry out a project based on digital data
4.Be able to draw up analysis reports, surveys, work plans, estimates and quotations
5. Be able to prepare a pro
I. Introduction to project and research methodology
II. Research methodology: diagnostic, analysis methodology, objective definition, evaluation criteria, data
correlation, publication and presentation of results
III. Project methodology: diagnostics, scenaria and aptitudes
IV. Management processes: tables of measures-program, project planning matrix, dynamics of implementation
Evaluation Methodology
Continuous Assessment:
coursework (70%)+ class performance and and mini digital tests (30%)
Final assessment:exam including practical exercise (100%)
- Almeida, M. (1996). Como elaborar monografias. Brasil: Cejup
- Cervo, A. e Bervian, P. (1996). Metodologia científica. São Paulo, Brasil: Edições Sílabo
Teaching Method
Theoretical-practical classes featuring exposition of subjects and presentation and solution of test cases,
relying on the use of new Information and Comunication Techniques.
Software used in class