Publication in the Diário da República: Acta n.º72 CE CC ESGT
1 ECTS; 2º Ano, 1º Semestre, 6,0 T , Cód. 301420.
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable
This course has as main objective to introduce the process of academic research, through the interaction between
theory and research.
1. Post-Graduation and research
2. Why to investigate?
3. Investigation and science.
4. Construction of research projects.
5. Methodological characterization of the research process. Data collection and analysis.
6. Methods of work and of writing scientific reports.
Evaluation Methodology
The assessment in this course is made trough the elaboration, presentation and defense of the research proposal
for Masters (90%), and also the punctuality and the participation (10%).
- Ceia, C. (2006). Normas para a apresentação de trabalhos científicos. (Vol. 1). Barcarena: Presença
- Eco, U. (2002). Como se faz uma tese em ciências humanas. (Vol. 1). Lisboa: Presença
- Laurel, B. (2003). Design Research: methods and perspectives. (Vol. 1). Cambridge: The MIT Press
- Murray, R. (2006). How to write a thesis. (Vol. 1). Berkshire: Open University
Teaching Method
In filling
Software used in class