20 ECTS; 1º Ano, Anual, 120,0 PL + 16,0 S + 64,0 OT + 10,0 O , Cód. 20156.
- Nuno José Valente Lopes Madeira (2)
- Luís António Antunes Francisco (2)
- Sílvio Manuel da Rocha Brito (2)
- João Manuel Mourão Patrício (2)
- Luís Miguel Lopes de Oliveira (2)
- Olinda Maria dos Santos Sequeira (2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
All participants will develop a project under the auspices of IBM Smarter Cities Software (Intelligent Operations Center) and IBM Websphere.
This will be done in a software house environment with the supervision of SoftINSA technicians and integrating concepts and strategies with reference to the support modules. Project development and management methodologies will also be considered, as good practices, in the different stages of the project.
Evaluation Methodology
Teaching Method
Software used in class
All applications utilized during the course.