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Chemical Technology

Ano Letivo: 2014/15
We build competencies!


Provide a solid scientific, technological and social learning, supported by a programme and courses that includes contact with real situations and laboratories experiences. This cycle of studies is based on the development of a diverse set of skills and competencies that permits excellent career opportunities and pursue postgraduate studies.


ECTS: 120
Location: Tomar.


This course of study includes:

  • A master´s program organised into modules corresponding to 76 ECTS credits;
  • An original project or a professional internship including final report corresponding to 44 ECTS credits.

This master's degree was designed so as to develop skills in the following technical-scientific areas: Chemical Technology (62 compulsory and 12 optional ECTS credits); Industrial Processes (12 compulsory and 16 optional ECTS credits); Environment and Quality (12 compulsory ECTS credits); Physical and Inorganic Chemistry (6 compulsory ECTS credits); Organic Chemistry and Biotechnology (6 compulsory ECTS credits); Mathematics (6 compulsory ECTS credits).

Professional Goals

Holders of the master´s degree in Chemical Technology are prepared to perform as:

  • Production managers or production assistant managers within chemical and biological industries;
  • Manager or assistant managers of industrial premises related with chemical technology such as industrial utilities and industrial wastewater treatment plants;
  • Members of multidisciplinary teams for the creation, implementation or optimisation of chemical and biological industries;
  • Director or middle manager within independent or auxiliary chemical and biological laboratories;

Condições de Acesso

According to the Portuguese Law, the following candidates are eligible for entry to the course of study leading to the Mestre degree:
  • Holders of a licenciadodegree or legally equivalent corresponding to the first cycle of higher education;
  • Holders of a foreign higher degree awarded on completion of a first-cycle programme organised in the framework of the Bologna Process;
  • Holders of a foreign higher degree which is deemed by the Technical-Scientific Committee of ESTT-IPT to meet the requirements of a licenciado degree.
  • Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum which is deemed by the Technical/Scientific Committee of ESTT-IPT as appropriate to access the programme.

The candidates who have, in the preceding year, completed the bachelor´s degree (licenciatura) in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering or the degree in Environmental and Biological Engineering offered by the School of Technology-IPT have direct access to the master´s programme in Chemical Technology.

Without prejudice to the general entry requirements, the following candidates are accepted for entry onto the master´s degree in Chemical Technology subject to admission quotas:

  • Holders of a licenciado degree or equivalent in chemical and biological technology related areas such as chemical, biochemical, food, environmental and others;
  • Holders of a foreign higher degree in chemical and biological technology areas awarded on completion of a first-cycle programme organised in the framework of the Bologna Process;
  • Holders of a foreign higher degree in chemical and biological technology which is deemed by the ESTT/IPT Technical-Scientific Committee to meet the requirements of a licenciado degree.
  • Holders of a bacharel degree in chemical and biological areas whose scientific and professional curriculum is deemed by the ESTT-IPT Scientific-Technical Committee as appropriate to access this course of study;
  • Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum in chemical and biological areas which is deemed by the ESTT-IPT Scientific-Technical Committee as appropriate to access this course of study.
  • Accrual of credits to candidates holding a licenciado degree in chemical engineering or similar programs prior to the Bologna process with a duration equivalent to 300 ECTS credits (5 years of study) is formally analysed on a case-to-case basis.


Ano Letivo: 2014/15
Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
1º Semestre
300102 Complements of Transport PhenomenaTecnologia Química 6
300103 Heterogeneous Reactors and CatalysisTecnologia Química 6
300101 Mathematics and ComputingMatemática 6
300104 Polymers and Macromolecular ChemistryQuímica Orgânica e Biotecnologia 6
300105 Surface and Interface ChemistryProcessos Industriais, Química Física e Inorgânica 6
2º Semestre
300106 Advanced Chemical ProcessesProcessos Industriais 6
300108 Advanced Separation ProcessesProcessos Industriais 6
300110 Industrial Management and PlanningAmbiente e Qualidade 6
300109 Process Dynamics and ControlProcessos Industriais 6
300107 Process OptimisationProcessos Industriais 6


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
300113 Master's Final ProjectTecnologia Química 44
1º Semestre
300115 Ambiente e Qualidade 4
300111 Bioprocess EngineeringTecnologia Química 6
300112 Environmental EngineeringAmbiente e Qualidade 6
300114 Materials Science and TechnologyProcessos Industriais 4
300116 Sustainability PoliciesProcessos Industriais 4

Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 10765/2011 - 30/08/2011

Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
1º Semestre
300102 Complements of Transport PhenomenaTecnologia Química 6 Henrique Pinho (2)
300103 Heterogeneous Reactors and CatalysisTecnologia Química 6 José Manuel Quelhas Antunes (2)
300101 Mathematics and ComputingMatemática 6 João Patrício (2)
300104 Polymers and Macromolecular ChemistryQuímica Orgânica e Biotecnologia 6 Cecília Baptista (2)
300105 Surface and Interface ChemistryQuímica Física e Inorgânica 6 Valentim Nunes (2)
2º Semestre
300106 Advanced Chemical ProcessesProcessos Industriais 6 José Manuel Quelhas Antunes (2)
Henrique Pinho (2)
300108 Advanced Separation ProcessesProcessos Industriais 6 Paula Portugal (2)
300124 Agri-Food SciencesTecnologia Química 6
300125 Environment and EnergyProcessos Industriais 6 Henrique Pinho (2)
Paulo Coelho (2)
Valentim Nunes (2)
300110 Industrial Management and PlanningAmbiente e Qualidade 6 Natércia Santos (2)
300109 Process Dynamics and ControlProcessos Industriais 6
300107 Process OptimisationProcessos Industriais 6 Paula Portugal (2)
João Patrício (2)


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
300122 Internship/PlacementTecnologia Química 44 Isabel Nogueira (2)
Paula Portugal (2)
Rui Sant'Ovaia (2)
Natércia Santos (2)
Cecília Baptista (2)
Marco Cartaxo (2)
Henrique Pinho (2)
Dina Mateus (2)
300121 ProjectTecnologia Química 44 José Manuel Quelhas Antunes (2)
Dina Mateus (2)
1º Semestre
300111 Bioprocess EngineeringTecnologia Química 6 Dina Mateus (2)
300131 Elective ModuleOutras 4
300127 ElectrochemistryProcessos Industriais 4
300130 EntrepreneurshipProcessos Industriais 4
300112 Environmental EngineeringAmbiente e Qualidade 6 Marco Cartaxo (2)
Rui Sant'Ovaia (2)
300114 Materials Science and TechnologyProcessos Industriais 4 Isabel Nogueira (2)
300126 Process Design and InnovationProcessos Industriais 4
300116 Sustainability PoliciesProcessos Industriais 4

Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 2126/2019 - 01/03/2019

Plano curricular
Cód. UC Area ECTS Lecturer
Obg. Opt.
1º Semestre
300102 Complements of Transport PhenomenaTecnologia Química 6
300103 Heterogeneous Reactors and CatalysisTecnologia Química 6
300101 Mathematics and ComputingMatemática 6
300104 Polymers and Macromolecular ChemistryQuímica Orgânica e Biotecnologia 6
300105 Surface and Interface ChemistryQuímica Física e Inorgânica 6
2º Semestre
300106 Advanced Chemical ProcessesProcessos Industriais 6
300108 Advanced Separation ProcessesProcessos Industriais 6
300124 Agri-Food SciencesTecnologia Química 6
300125 Environment and EnergyProcessos Industriais 6
300110 Industrial Management and PlanningAmbiente e Qualidade 6
300109 Process Dynamics and ControlProcessos Industriais 6
300107 Process OptimisationProcessos Industriais 6


Plano curricular
Cód. UCArea ECTS Lecturer
Obr. Opt.
300129 DissertationTecnologia Química 44
300122 Internship/PlacementTecnologia Química 44
300121 ProjectTecnologia Química 44
1º Semestre
300111 Bioprocess EngineeringTecnologia Química 6
300131 Elective ModuleOutras 4
300127 ElectrochemistryProcessos Industriais 4
300130 EntrepreneurshipProcessos Industriais 4
300112 Environmental EngineeringAmbiente e Qualidade 6
300114 Materials Science and TechnologyProcessos Industriais 4
300126 Process Design and InnovationProcessos Industriais 4
300116 Sustainability PoliciesProcessos Industriais 4

(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona


 The master course in Chemical Technology has a high number of partnerships such as:
  • Caima-Indústria de Celulose, S.A. (Constância);
  • Centro Tecnológico da Cerâmica e do Vidro (Coimbra);
  • Departamento de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Aberta (Lisboa);
  • Departamento de Engenharia Química e Biológica, Instituto Superior Técnico (Lisboa);
  • Departamento de Química, Universidade de Coimbra (Coimbra);
  • Enviroil II-Reciclagem de Óleos Usados, Lda. (Torres Novas);
  • Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Coimbra, Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra (Coimbra);
  • Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra (Coimbra);
  • Fernanda Galo Laboratórios de Análises, Lda. (Tomar);
  • Iber Oleff – Componentes Técnicos em Plástico, S.A. (Pombal);
  • LINE.IPT - Laboratório de Inovação Industrial e Empresarial do IPT (Tomar/Abrantes);
  • Pegop - Energia Elétrica, S.A. (Abrantes);
  • Sociedade Lusitana de Destilação, S.A. (Torres Novas);
  • Victor Guedes – Indústria e Comércio, S.A. (Abrantes).


Course coordinator

Dina Maria Ribeiro Mateus

Dina Maria Ribeiro Mateus

Gabinete: J213
t.: 249328100
ext.: 6206
endereço de e-mail

Erasmus coordinator

Valentim Maria Brunheta Nunes

Valentim Maria Brunheta Nunes

Gabinete: J207
t.: +351 249328162
ext.: 6207
endereço de e-mail

Administrative Support Staff

Guiomar Maria Marques Fonseca Cotovio

Guiomar Maria Marques Fonseca Cotovio

Gabinete: I 215
t.: 249 328 237
ext.: 1214 e 01302
endereço de e-mail
Ano Letivo: 2014/15
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