Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 7904/2013 - 18/06/2013
5 ECTS; 1º Ano, 1º Semestre, 45,0 TP + 3,0 OT + 3,0 O , Cód. 308125.
- Luis Filipe Cunha Moreira (2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable
Know how to: 1.Build DTP files according to the professional criteria; 2. Produce perfect artwork; 3. Make full use of desktop publishing software to ensure a degree of excellence in the execution of editorial projects.
1.footnotes; type fonts and optical sizes; 3.nested styles; 4.tables and table styles; 5.H&J editing; 6. grids complexity; 7. "book" functionality; 8. TOC; 9. Indexes; 10. art-work; 11: PDF for print.
Evaluation Methodology
Assessment includes practical exercises, final digital files used in the preparation of the book design projects (final classification is the weighted average of all assessment components).
- Kvern, O. (2012). Real World Adobe InDesign CS6. Berkeley, USA: Peachpit Press
- Moreira, L. (0). Tutoriais InDesignCS4. Acedido em 3 de julho de 2014 em
Teaching Method
1.Lectures supported by datashow;
2. Practical lessons including practical exercises; 3. Preparation of a final book design project.
Software used in class
Adobe InDesign CS6