Publication in the Diário da República: Adequação/Bolonha 2007/2008
5 ECTS; 2º Ano, 2º Semestre, , Cód. 964009.
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable.
At the end of the course the students should be familiar with the particularities of the labour market. They should be able to discuss
about main policies in the labour market, as well as to apply
economic analysis to address specific issues.
Introduction. Labour supply. Labour demand. Labour market
equilibrium. Human capital. Labour market discrimination. Labour
unions and collective bargaining. Unemployment. The Phillips
curve: trade-off between inflation and unemployment.
Evaluation Methodology
The student can choose between: a) Continuous assessment:
individual mid-term tests with minimum arithmetic average of 10
grade points. b) Final exam: A minimum 10 grade points.
- Belbute, J. (2003). Princípios de Macroeconomia. Lisboa: Gradiva
- Borjas, G. (2005). Labor Economics. Lisboa: McGraw-Hill
- Neves, J. (1992). Introdução à Economia. Lisboa: Editorial Verbo
- Samuelson, P. e Nordhaus, W. (2005). Economia. Lisboa: McGraw-Hill
Teaching Method
Subject contents are explored through lectures and case study analysis.
Software used in class