3.3 ECTS; 1º Ano, Anual, 75,0 TP , Cód. 70003.
- Fernanda Maria de Oliveira Santos (2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Develop speaking, writing and reading skills and be able to understand and participate in a simple conversation.
Learn, drill and develop vocabulary, accent and spelling.
Personal Data; Family; Relationships; Daily Life; Academic Life; Jobs and Careers; Free-Time Activities; Holidays and Travel.
Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing Skills.
Grammar and Vocabulary.
Evaluation Methodology
Each student must obtain at least 10 marks in order to pass the curricular unit. The final mark is achieved not only through the written assessments, but also the participation in class and the attendance.
- Balcik, I. e Röhe, K. (2010). Deutsche Grammatik & Rechtschreibung: Alle wichtigen Regeln - einfach und verständlich. Stuttgart: Ernst Klett Sprachen
- Dinsel, S. (2009). Grosses Übungsbuch Deutsch - Grammatik. Ismaning: Hueber Verlag
- Lemcke, C. e Cohen, U. e Grandi, N. (2012). Herzlich Willkommen - Deutsch in Restaurant und Tourismus, Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch mit 3-Audio-CDs. Berlin: Langenscheidt
- Pahlow, H. (2010). Deutsche Grammatik - einfach, kompakt und übersichtlich. Leipzig: Engelsdorfer Verlag
Teaching Method
As this is a new language for most of the students, it is quite important to provide them with the basic skills and the confidence to develop and put those skills into practice.
Software used in class