4 ECTS; 1º Ano, Anual, 60,0 TP , Cód. 724714.
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable.
Build skills in quality control and in the field of analytical techniques for quality assurance and compliance of raw materials and final products, with application to the production and use of biofuels.
Concepts and fundamentals of quality.
Tools for quality control.
Analytical quality control of raw materials and products.
Evaluation Methodology
Continuous assessment, including the reporting of laboratory work, and final assessment through a written test.
- Silveira, T. e Santos, N. (0). Documentos em formato digital. Acedido em 2 de outubro de 2012 em www.e-learning.ipt.pt
Teaching Method
Theoretical, practical and lab classes.
Software used in class