3 ECTS; 1º Ano, 1º Semestre, 30,0 TP + 5,0 OT + 5,0 O , Cód. 30165.
- Olinda Maria dos Santos Sequeira (2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable.
Provide the students with fundamental concepts about the process of creating a company and its obligations to
the state;
Develop and deepen the analysis process with a view to drafting a business plan for a new company;
Develop presentation skills depending on the investor's agenda.
Concepts of entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurial process; Methodologies for selecting the project; Developing a
Business Plan; Financing of the project; How to create your company; The starting up of activity; Success /
business failure.
Evaluation Methodology
The evaluation of the chair will take place through the final exam. However, it is offered to the students the
The evaluation of the chair will take place through the final exam. However, it is offered to the students the
opportunity to dispense to this exam by taking the following components of continuous assessment with a
minimum grade of 10 final values:
Oral participation in class discussion and projects: 25%
Presentation and Report Analysis / Plan Opportunity: 30%
Presentation of Business Plan and Final Report of Project: 45%.
To pass of the discipline, students must obtain a rating, weighted by four components, at least 10 values.
Assessment by examination
Written test with a weight of 100%.
Teaching Method
Over this unit it is conducted the validation of the business opportunity, the company's internal organization and
business plan (in groups of 4 students)
The operationalization of the sessions will be conducted in accordance with the planning of the sessions to be
nominated by a teacher
Software used in class