Publication in the Diário da República: RCC 21/12/2010 [DR.4928/2011 21.03.2011]
5 ECTS; 2º Ano, 1º Semestre, 60,0 TP + 15,0 OT , Cód. 964016.
- Isabel Maria da Cruz Ferreira (2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable.
The students should be familiar with ergonomic techniques and design,
be able to analyse the different ergonomics applications, understand the variety and complementarity of ergonomic theories,relate the human body and ergonomics; be aware of the task versus activity dichotomy.
1.Concepts, methods and techniques
2.Ergonomic approach to systems
3.Perception and communication
4.Biomecanics and anthropometry
5.Safety at work
6.Physical enviroment
7.Human Factores in the working environment
8.Product ergonomics
Evaluation Methodology
Group or Individual assignment (50%)**. Mid-term test (50%)
**If the student chooses not to take the test, he will have to submit three individual assignments during the semester.
- BRIDGER, R. (1995). Introduction to Ergonomics . New York: McGraw-Hill
- Lida, I. (2000). Ergonomia: Projeto e Produção. S. Paulo: Edgard Blucher
- MONTMOLLIN, M. (1990). A Ergonomia . Lisboa: Instituto Piaget
Teaching Method
Lectures and tutorials.
Software used in class