Publication in the Diário da República: Despacho nº 10764/2011 - 30/08/2011
5.5 ECTS; 3º Ano, 1º Semestre, 30,0 T + 30,0 P , Cód. 918432.
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Knowledge of Organic and Biochemistry.
The students should acquire skills in the areas of enzymology, enzyme kinetics, immobilization of biocatalysts and mass transfer in biological systems, which enable the development and application of techniques for the design and operation of reactors involving enzymes.
Structure and function of enzymes. Classification and nomenclature. Large-scale production. Enzyme kinetics, inhibition, stability and deactivation. Kinetics in immobilised enzyme systems. Biocatalysis in non-conventional media. Design of ideal, and non-ideal, enzyme immobilised reactors.
Bio-catalysis in non-conventional media. Medical and industrial
utilization of free and immobilised enzymes.
Evaluation Methodology
Final written test, preparation and
presentation of a practical assignment and lab reports. Minimum passing score: 10 (out of 20)in every assessment component.
- Gama, M. e Aires Barros, M. e Cabral, J. (2003). Engenharia Enzimática. Lisboa: Lidel-Edições Técnicas
- Kargi, F. e Shuler, M. (2001). Bioprocess Engineering Basic Concepts. London: Pearson Educatión
- Mateus, D. (0). Sebentas de Engenharia Enzimática. Acedido em 1 de fevereiro de 2012 em www.
- Mota, M. e LIma, N. (2003). Biotecnologia Fundamentos e Aplicações. Lisboa: Lidel-Edições Técnicas
Teaching Method
Theoretical lectures, tutorials and laboratory classes.
Software used in class