Publication in the Diário da República: NI n.º1417|EAB|ESTT|2011
5.5 ECTS; 3º Ano, 2º Semestre, 30,0 T + 30,0 TP , Cód. 910039.
- Henrique Joaquim de Oliveira Pinho (2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Basics of algebra, numerical methods and chemical thermodynamics.
The students should develop basic skills in the separation and purification of biological products: they should be able to describe the possible separation sequences; to identify the main design parameters; master the scale-up principles.
Introduction. Processes of separation of biological products. Separation of cellular material. Cell rupture. Soluble product separation. Purification techniques. Industrial applications.
Evaluation Methodology
Written test: minimum mark 9/20 and a weight of 70% in the final assessment mark.
Group assignment: minimum mark 9/20 and a weight of 30% in the final assessment mark.
Optional individual assignments worth up to 25% of the mark of the written test
- Cabral, J. e Aires-Barros, M. (2003). Biosseparações in Biotecnologia - Fundamentos e Aplicações, N.Lima e M.Mota eds.. Lisboa: Lidel
- Forciniti, D. (2008). Industrial Bioseparations. : Blakwell
- Ladisch, M. (2001). Bioseparations engineering: principles, practice and economics. : John Wiley & Sons
- Pinho, H. Material de apoio de PSB. Acedido em 0 de --- de 0 em
Teaching Method
Lectures and tutorials
Software used in class