Publication in the Diário da República: NI n.º1417|EAB|ESTT|2011
4.5 ECTS; 3º Ano, 1º Semestre, 30,0 T + 30,0 TP , Cód. 910027.
- Manuel Alberto Nogueira Henriques Rosa (2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
Not applicable.
The students should develop skills that will allow them to identify the different types of solid waste and its physical and chemical composition as well as understand factors involved in solid waste management such as inventory, collection, deposition and treatment.
1-Types of solid waste;
2-Classification of solid waste;
3-Sampling and physicochemical and biological characterization of solid waste;
4-Processes for the collection, transportation and disposal of solid waste;
5-Treatment processes.
Evaluation Methodology
Continuous assessment includes 4 mini-tests. A minimum average mark of 10 exempts students from final examination.
- Tchobanoglous, G. e Rowe, D. e Peavy, H. (1985). Environmental Engineering. Singapura: McGraw-Hill Book Company
- Virgil, S. e Thisen, H. e Tchobanoglous, G. (1993). Integrated Solid Waste Management-Engineering Principles and Management Issues. Singapura: McGraw-Hill Book Company
Teaching Method
Lectures and tutorials
Software used in class