4 ECTS; 2º Ano, 2º Semestre, 30,0 T + 15,0 TP + 2,0 OT , Cód. 938054.
- Maria Madalena Giraldes Barba Pessoa Jorge Oudinot Larcher (2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
A pass in Portuguese History 1 and History 2 is advisable
The students ahould have acquired basic knowledge of the major events in history from the 15th to late 18th century with particular emphasis on maritime expansion - a milestone for the history of Renaissance.
PART I. The 15th century: the birth of Modernity
PART II: The 16th century: The birth of a modern state and the construction of the Empire.
PART III: The Philippine era (1581-1640)
PART IV: The Restoration period (1640-1668)
PART V: From the consolidation of the Bragança Dynasty to the end of the Old regime (1668-1750)
PART VI. King Joseph (1750-1777)
PART VII. The kingdom of Queen Mary I
Evaluation Methodology
Mid-term test with 10/20 required to pass.
Optional essay to improve previous mark (arithmetic average with the test).
Oral exam as required.
Teaching Method
Lectures supported by audiovisual resources.
Theoretical/practical classes focused on the analysis of documents from the abovementioned times.
Software used in class