4 ECTS; 2º Ano, 1º Semestre, 30,0 T + 15,0 TP + 2,0 OT , Cód. 938051.
- Maria Madalena Giraldes Barba Pessoa Jorge Oudinot Larcher (2)
(1) Docente Responsável
(2) Docente que lecciona
A pass in History 1 is useful but not mandatory.
The students will be familiarised with the major issues of modern history in connection with the major mediaeval issues with emphasis to culture articulated with political and social facts.
They should gain critical and reflection skills.
Part I. Mediaeval references of European Civilisation
Part II. The 15th century: The beginnings of Modern Age
Part III. The 16th century:the New Horizons (political, cultural and religious)
Part IV. The 18th century: the assertion of a new European balance
Part V. The first half of the 18th century: from the beginning of the Enlightenment to the end of the Old Regime.
Evaluation Methodology
Mid-term test (a minimum mark of 10/20 exempts students from exam).
Students may write an optional essay which may improve their test mark.
Oral exam when required.
Teaching Method
Lectures supported by audiovisual resources.
theoretical-practical classes including an optional presentation (written and oral) focused on the analysis of a document of one of the abovementioned periods.
Software used in class